
Delaware Valley Conjurers Club

Ring 6 of the International Brotherhood of Magicians


The present I.B.M. Ring #6, the Delaware Valley Conjurers’ Club, dates back originally to a magic course given at Delaware County Community College in 1978.  A group of the newly minted magicians decided to keep meeting on a regular basis, and began meeting once a month as the Delaware County Conjurers Club.

In 1983, the group contacted the International Brotherhood of Magicians and asked to revive the dormant charter of Ring #6.  Shortly after reactivating the charter, the club changed its name to the Delaware Valley Conjurers Club, and began meeting at the Church of the Brethren in Drexel Hill.  From the original 10 or so magicians, the club has grown to over 65 active members from throughout the Delaware Valley.

Members of the group include several professional magicians, as well as many semi-professionals and many avid amateurs.  The common thread is a love of magic.

The group sponsors many activities such as an annual show, outings and lectures by magicians from all over the world.  Also, many of the members participate in charitable performances.  We have annual competitions in both close up and stage magic.  An auction of magic props and tricks is held yearly.  In addition a few magic dealers have tables at every meeting.


An interest in magic and a desire to participate are the main criteria for joining.  A prospective Ring #6, DVCC member is required to attend three meetings and then perform a trick or routine demonstrating his or her interest in magic.  The trick can be very simple.  As an alternative you may describe your interest in the art of magic, possibly as a collector or history buff.  The purpose is mainly to keep the casual person who just wants to know some secrets from joining.  The three meeting provision may be waived for those who are previous members of an official magician’s organization. You can view and print out the application form here: DVCC New Member Application Form . You can also apply for membership in the National I.B.M. here: I.B.M. Application.


Dues are payable in October or upon joining the club.  Dues cover the cost of the meeting place and refreshments.  Meetings are free except for lectures which vary according to the cost of the lecturer.  You are also encouraged to join the National I.B.M. whose dues are additional.  You will then receive the national organization’s membership card and monthly journal The Linking Ring.  If you are not a member in good standing of the national organization, you are not permitted to vote on Ring 6 business, hold an official office, or compete in Ring 6 contests.    The I.B.M. official website is http://www.magician.org.

Web site

All current activities will be posted on the site https://ibmring6.com/


All meetings are held the second Monday at the Community Arts Center at 414 Plush Mill Road, Wallingford, PA  19086 except for our January and February meetings, which is over Zoom video conference.


At present, we have the following standing committees:

The Program Committee (sets up lectures, activities, and events for monthly meetings)

The Membership Committee (welcomes new members, assists in maintaining the membership list, facilitates club policies regarding membership at both local and national  levels)

The Constitution Committee (prepares a draft of club constitution and by-laws for ratification by membership, facilitates the ratification process by membership)

The Fundraiser/Show Committee (organizes the annual fundraiser show, sells DVCC shirts, oversees other fundraising projects as needed)

The Web Site Committee contributes to  the content and  maintenance of IBM Ring #6, DVCC web site:  https://ibmring6.com/

The Estate Sale Committee facilitates the sale/liquidation of magic books and equipment donated to the club by a deceased member’s family.

All new members are invited to participate in any of the above committees.  Interested participants should contact any board member for information relating to the committee of their choice.



  1. Lee Schulingkamp

    hi D.C.C.C.,
    i was a ring 6 member about a decade ago, and would really love to come back.
    i see the new “place” will be on Summit Rd. in Springfield. on july 8th.
    if i can “escape” work, i would like to “appear” there.

  2. Dennis

    Could I attend your February 10 meeting? And then stay for the lecture. I’m not a professional but a hobbyist to magic. I have an interest in magic but never able to perform or share with others ideas or tips. I would like to improve my skills and confidence to maybe feel comfortable performing (even if only family and friends. Regards, Dennis

    1. Web Master (Post author)

      Hi Dennis,
      Please come to our meeting! We’d be delighted to have you. Our membership contains magicians of all levels, both amateur and professional performers. All that’s required is a passion for magic.

      Hope to see you there,
      David Storey


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